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BD Rhapsody™ WTA Assay Demo Datasets(V1 Beads)

WTA + Sample Multiplexing

This sample is comprised of human cell lines, Jurkat and Ramos, that were labeled with four unique Sample Tags from the BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit Hu (Jurkat: ST3, ST5; Ramos: ST7, ST9). The four labeled samples were then mixed at an equal ratio (1: 1: 1: 1) and processed using the BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis System. Sequencing libraries were generated using the BD Rhapsody™ WTA Amplification kit.

The zip file contains the following:

  • RSEC_MolsPerCell.csv - Data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on RSEC error correction
  • - Data table of gene counts in sparse format
  • Metrics_Summary.csv - Report containing sequencing, molecules, and cell metrics
  • Sample_Tag_Metrics.csv - Metrics of the Sample Tag reads
  • Sample_Tag_calls.csv - Assigned Sample Tag for each putative cell 
  • - Data tables, expression matrix, and clustering analysis files for each Sample Tag 

WTA + Sample Multiplexing + AbSeq

Freshly isolated human PBMCs were grown for 24 hours in the presence of CD3/CD28 stimulation ("activated") and compared to PBMCs grown for 24 hours in regular media ("naive"). Cells were then labeled with a 20plex panel of BD® AbSeq Antibody-Oligos consisting of lineage markers and T-cell activation markers, as well as unique Sample Tags from the BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit (resting PBMC: ST1; activated PBMC: ST2). The cells were mixed at a 1:1 ratio and processed using the BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis System. Sequencing libraries for RNA and AbSeq antibodies were generated using the BD Rhapsody™ WTA Amplification kit.

The zip file contains the following:

  • RSEC_MolsPerCell.csv - Data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on RSEC error correction
  • - Data table of gene counts in sparse format
  • Metrics_Summary.csv - Report containing sequencing, molecules, and cell metrics
  • Sample_Tag_Metrics.csv - Metrics of the Sample Tag reads
  • Sample_Tag_calls.csv - Assigned Sample Tag for each putative cell 
  • - Data tables, expression matrix, and clustering analysis files for each Sample Tag
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