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BD® SMK Staining Protocols

Single Cell Labeling

  • Single Cell Labelling with BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kits
    • The BD® Human Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit (Cat. No. 633781) and the BD® Mouse Immune Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit (Cat. No. 633793) utilize an innovative antibody-oligo technology to provide higher sample throughput for single cell library preparation. Every antibody-oligo in the BD® Human Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit, referred to as a Sample Tag, has a unique sample oligo barcode conjugated to a human universal antibody and every Sample Tag in the BD® Mouse Immune Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit is conjugated to an Anti-Mouse CD45, Clone 30-F11 antibody. Up to 12 samples can be labelled and pooled prior to single cell capture with the BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis system.
    • Doc ID: 23-21340(02)
    • Revision date: 11/2022
  • Single Cell Labelling with BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kits and BD® AbSeq Ab-Oligos (1 to 40 plex)
    • This protocol describes the use of BD AbSeq Ab-Oligos (antibody-oligonucleotides)(1 plex to 40 plex) with BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kits.
    • Doc ID: 23-21339(02)
    • Revision date: 11/2022
  • Single-Cell Labeling with BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kits and BD® AbSeq Ab-Oligos (41 to 100 plex)
    • This protocol describes the use of BD AbSeq Ab-Oligos (antibody-oligonucleotides)(41 plex to 100 plex) with BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kits.
    • Doc ID: 23-22354(02)
    • Revision date: 11/2022

Bulb, idea, idea bulb, light bulb icon - Free downloadIf you are using Custom BD Single- Cell Multiplexing Set Rat Anti-Mouse MHC-H2 Class I (M1/42), follow this protocol

  • For tagging your samples of interest with the customs Rat Anti Mouse MHC-H2 Class I (M1/42) SMK set, first, resuspend 20,000 – 1 million cells in 180 μl BD Pharmingen Stain Buffer (FBS) (Cat. No. 554656) in a clean tube for each of your samples to be tagged. We recommend staining in a 5 ml round bottom tubes.
  • Next, add one test worth (20µl) of SMK reagent from a sample tag vial to each sample (up to 12 individual samples can be tagged using the 12 samples tags provided).
  • Pipet-mix. Take care to note the Sample Tag number for each individual sample being stained in parallel.
  • Then proceed to follow the incubation and washing conditions outlined in the Single Cell Labelling with the protocol called Single Cell Labelling with BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kits

Bulb, idea, idea bulb, light bulb icon - Free downloadThese cell labelling protocols are followed by cell capture and then downstream library prep protocols for WTALink Icon Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free DownloadTargetedLink Icon Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download or VDJ(TCR/BCR)Link Icon Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download analysis.

Bulb, idea, idea bulb, light bulb icon - Free downloadIf you are interested in an AbSeq only readout with Sample Multiplexing(without the mRNA readout), follow this library preparation protocol after single cell labelling

  • BD® AbSeq and Sample Tag Library Preparation Protocol
    • This protocol enables users to use cell surface proteins to profile cells independently of mRNA. Included here are instructions for how to generate BD® AbSeq single-cell libraries and Sample Tag libraries using the BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis system, or the BD Rhapsody™ Express Single-Cell Analysis system. 
    • Doc ID : 23-24228(01)
    • Revision date : 12/2022





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