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BD Rhapsody™ Targeted mRNA Assay Demo Datasets(v1 Bead)

All samples were run with cryopreserved donor-isolated human PBMCs using the pre-designed BD Rhapsody™ Immune Response Panel HS assay. 

Human Immune Response

  • RSEC_MolsPerCell.csv - Data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on RSEC error correction
  • DBEC_MolsPerCell.csv - Data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on DBEC error correction
  • - Data table of gene counts in sparse format
  • Metrics_Summary.csv - Report containing sequencing, molecules, and cell metrics

Human Immune Response + AbSeq

  • RSEC_MolsPerCell.csv - Data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on RSEC error correction
  • DBEC_MolsPerCell.csv - Data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on DBEC error correction
  • - Data table of AbSeq and gene counts in sparse format
  • Metrics_Summary.csv - Report containing sequencing, molecules, and cell metrics

BD Rhapsody™ Immune Response Panel HS + BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit

  • RSEC_MolsPerCell.csv - Data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on RSEC error correction
  • DBEC_MolsPerCell.csv - Data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on DBEC error correction
  • - Data table of gene counts in sparse format
  • Metrics_Summary.csv - Report containing sequencing, molecules, and cell metrics
  • Sample_Tag_Metrics.csv - Metrics of the Sample Tag reads
  • Sample_Tag_calls.csv - Assigned Sample Tag for each putative cell 
  • - Data tables, expression matrix, and clustering analysis files for Sample Tag #



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