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BD® AbSeq Protocols(cell-surface/intracellular protein)

Single Cell Labeling - cell surface protein only

Single Cell Labeling - cell surface protein with sample multiplexing(SMK)

Single Cell Labeling - intracellular protein

  • Single-Cell Labeling with BD® AbSeq Ab-Oligos for Intracellular CITE-seq
    • This protocol details how to stain for intracellular antigens using BD® Intracellular AbSeq (IC-AbSeq) antibodies for profiling with the BD Rhapsody™ system. Each BD® IC-AbSeq antibody is conjugated to an antibody-specific oligonucleotide barcode for profiling alongside surface protein and mRNA expression. Note that this protocol should be used alongside BD Rhapsody™ System Single-Cell Labeling with BD® AbSeq Ab-Oligos (1 plex to 40 plex) Protocol, 23-24262 or BD Rhapsody™ System Single-Cell Labeling with the BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit and BD® AbSeq Ab-Oligos (1 plex to 40 plex) Protocol, 23-21339 to support single-cell labeling with BD® AbSeq Ab-Oligos without and with sample multiplexing, respectively. This protocol has been tested for use with up to 40 surface markers.
    • Doc ID: 23-24464(03)
    • Revision date: 4/2024

Co-staining cells with fluorescent antibodies and BD Oligo-Conjugated Antibodies

    • Here, we address how to co-stain cells with the same clone of both fluorescent antibodies and oligonucleotide-conjugated antibodies (BD® Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit or BD® AbSeq Ab-Oligos).
    • Doc ID: 23-23247-00
    • Revision date: 03/2021

Bulb, idea, idea bulb, light bulb icon - Free downloadThese cell labelling protocols are followed by cell capture and then downstream library prep protocols for WTALink Icon Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download, TargetedLink Icon Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download or VDJ(TCR/BCR)Link Icon Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download analysis.


Bulb, idea, idea bulb, light bulb icon - Free downloadIf you are interested in an AbSeq only readout(without the mRNA readout), follow one of these protocols after cell capture

  • With SMK : BD® AbSeq and Sample Tag Library Preparation Protocol
    • This protocol enables users to use cell surface proteins to profile cells independently of mRNA. Included here are instructions for how to generate BD® AbSeq single-cell libraries and Sample Tag libraries using the BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis system, or the BD Rhapsody™ Express Single-Cell Analysis system. 
    • Doc ID : 23-24228(01)
    • Revision date : 12/2022
  • Without SMK : BD® AbSeq Library Preparation Protocol
    • This protocol enables users to use cell surface proteins to profile cells independently of mRNA. Included here are instructions for how to generate BD® AbSeq single-cell libraries using the BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis system, or the BD Rhapsody™ Express Single-Cell Analysis system
    • Doc ID : 23-24227(01)
    • Revision date : 12/2022

Bulb, idea, idea bulb, light bulb icon - Free downloadCheck out data analysis resources specific to Ab-Seq

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