Rhapsody VDJ CDR3 Assay Demo Dataset

VDJ CDR3 Demo Data

The sample used for this demo data is freshly thawed frozen PBMCs. ~3000 cells were captured using BD Rhapsody Single-Cell Analysis System and sequencing libraries were generated using VDJ CDR3 Library Preparation Protocol  (Human).

The zip file contains the following:

  • RhapVDJDemo-BCR_Metrics_Summary: Report containing sequencing, molecules, and cell metrics of Targeted (Human Immune Response), TCR and BCR libraries.
  • RhapVDJDemo-BCR_VDJ_metrics: TCR and BCR specific metrics summary.
  • RhapVDJDemo-BCR_VDJ_perCell: Data table containing TCR BCR clonotype information and error corrected molecules per chain per cell.
  • RhapVDJDemo-BCR_RSEC_MolsPerCell: mRNA and Abseq data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on RSEC error correction.
  • RhapVDJDemo-BCR_DBEC_MolsPerCell: mRNA and Abseq data table containing molecules per gene per cell based on DBEC error correction.
  • RhapVDJDemo-BCR_Expression_Data.st: mRNA and Abseq data table of gene counts in sparse format.