Articles in this section




  • BD Rhapsody™ HT Express 8 lane vs single lane cartridge 
    • The BD Rhapsody™ HT Xpress System is a higher-throughput system that leverages our proprietary, gentle, and robust microwell single-cell partitioning technology to perform single-cell analysis. It offers the same performance as the BD Rhapsody™ Express System and features a flexible cartridge design with the ability to run up to eight times the number of lanes at once in the same amount of time as the BD Rhapsody™ Express System.
    • Doc ID : BD-85233 (v1.0) 0623
    • Revision date: 08/2023
  • BD Rhapsody™ HT Single-Cell Analysis System 
    • Answer your biological questions and have confidence in every experiment with the BD Rhapsody™ HT Single-Cell Analysis System
    • Doc ID: BD-80577 (v1.0) 0323



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