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BD® AbSeq Ab-Oligo Demo Dataset(Enhanced Beads)

Intracellular CITE-seq with 24-hr Preservation Demo Data

This demo data was generated from an intracellular CITE-seq experiment on BD Rhapsody™ System multiplexing resting and PMA & Ionomycin stimulated human PBMC. Resting human PBMCs and stimulated PBMCs were multiplexed with BD® Human Single-Cell Multiplexing Kit and stained with BD® AbSeq Immune Discovery Panel + 9 Intracellular BD® AbSeq drop-ins following BD Rhapsody™ System Single-Cell Labeling with BD® AbSeq Ab-Oligos for Intracellular CITE-seq Protocol with 24-hr single cell preservation in BD® OMICS-Guard Sample Preservation Buffer, whereby ~25,000 cells were captured with the BD Rhapsody™ Single-Cell Analysis System and processed using the BD Rhapsody™ System mRNA Whole Transcriptome Analysis (WTA), AbSeq, and Sample Tag Library Preparation Protocol.

Bulb, idea, idea bulb, light bulb icon - Free downloadBD® AbSeq reference file used in this experiment

Bulb, idea, idea bulb, light bulb icon - Free downloadLooking for a demo dataset for cell-surface protein AbSeq? Find them as a part of the WTA demo data or the VDJ demo data

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